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  • Giving To HKBUAlumni Online Data Update
Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office
HKBU Alumni Association


HKBU Alumni Association


Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Association was established in April 1961 and subsequently registered as a legal corporation in 1978. The Association serves as a platform for local and international alumni to stay connected. Apart from receiving updated campus news, members can also share their views on the direction and development of the University which will be presented to the University through the Association, if and when appropriate. Through participation in various cultural, educational and social events, members can stay in close touch, build strong network and provide mutual support to one another.

The Alumni Association works in close coordination with the University, and continuously supports and participates in different activities of the University. Alumni are proud to contribute towards promoting the status of the University.


All graduates of HKBU are welcomed to be members. Please click here to register online

Directors and Executive Members of Management Committee (2023-2024)

Members of the Board of Directors


Dr. TONG Man Leung, Jacinto (Chemistry)


Prof. HO Lok Sang, Harrison (Economics)
Mr. MOK Chun Sing, Jason (Chemistry)
Mr. WU Kam Man, Kelvin (BM)
Mr. XIE Che, Felix (MBA)

Honorary Secretary

Ms. ZHAN Shufan, Barbara (UIC-Statistics;Mathematical Finance)

Honorary Treasurer

Mr. FONG Franklin, Kenneth (MBA)

Executive Members of Management Committee

Mr. CHIU Sai Hin, Dale (Computer Science)
Ms. KU Ka Yi, Ivy (MBA)
Ms. LAI Hiu Tung, Mandy (Human Resources Management)
Ms. WONG Ka Yu, Katy (Accountancy)
Ms. WU Haixia, Eva (Business English Communication)
Mr. YAU Pui Kuen, Kevin (Computer Science)
Mr. YUEN Chee Shun (MSc. Applied Accounting & Finance)

Ex-officio Members of Management Committee

Prof. FOCK Kwong Yin, Henry (Director of Student Affairs of HKBU)
Dr. LEE Wai Yi, Melanie (Director of Alumni Affairs of HKBU)
Mr. SIU Tai Lun, Tyrone (History)

Honorary Legal Advisor

P.C. Woo & Co.

Honorary Auditor

Patrick Wong C.P.A. Limited

For enquiries, please contact Alumni Affairs Office (Secretariat)
Phone: (852) 3411 7877
Email: hkbuaa@life.hkbu.edu.hk