Event Calendar
  • Giving To HKBUAlumni Online Data Update
  • Alumni Online Data UpdateGiving To HKBU
Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office

With its commitment to Whole Person Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) has nurtured over 168,000 graduates since its establishment in 1956. Many of the University's alumni have made outstanding achievements and have used their expertise to make contributions to Hong Kong and the global community, enhancing HKBU's reputation.

HKBU presents the Distinguished Alumni Award to recognise the distinguished business, professional or scholastic achievements of its alumni, and their service and contributions to the University and society. The award also aims to motivate students to learn from the experience and success of the award recipients.

For more information of the Distinguished Alumni Award, please refer to the following links:

The 9th HKBU Distinguished Alumni Award – Nomination Guidelines and Form (Fillable PDF version)

The 9th HKBU Distinguished Alumni Award – Frequently Asked Questions (PDF version)

Should there be any questions, please contact Alumni Affairs Office on (852) 3411 7877 or e-mail: alumni@hkbu.edu.hk.