HKBU Century Club Attends a Workshop Designed by Paris Paralympic Silver Medalist Student Chan Ho-yuen
Event Information
On 3 November, HKBU Century Club, led by alumna Dr Marianna Tsang (Secretarial Management), Patron and President of the Club, participated in a workshop titled “Lost & Found”. The workshop was organised by the Leadership Qualities Centre of the Office of Student Affairs and designed by student Chan Ho-yuen (Physical Education and Recreation Management), a silver medalist in the Badminton Men’s Singles WH2 event at the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games. Attending Century Club members included Patrons alumnus Professor Dickson Shang (Business Management) and alumnus Wong Nga-chung (Business Management), as well as member alumnus Professor Bernard Wu (Accounting). The event aimed to immerse participants in the unique challenges faced by people with disabilities, allowing them an opportunity for self-reflection and growth, while forstering a culture of diversity and inclusivity. Attending alumni shared that the experience deepened their understanding and appreciation of people with disabilities.