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Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office


HKBU Century Club Representatives Pay a Chinese New Year’s Visit to Macau University of Science and Technology

Event Information

Led by President and Patron of HKBU Century Club alumna Dr Marianna Tsang (Secretarial Management), a group of HKBU Century Club representatives including Past President alumnus Kent Tsui (Communication), alumni Kelvin Wu (Business Management) and Chan Chek-biu (Communication) paid a Chinese New Year’s visit to Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) on 22 February. They met President Emeritus of HKBU and Honorary President of the Club, Dr Daniel Tse and his spouse Mrs Kitty Tse, Patron of the Club and MUST Chancellor alumnus Dr Liu Chak-wan (English Language & Literature), President of HKBU Alumni Association of Macau alumnus Paul Pang (Mathematics) and alumna Evi Ian (Mathematics) over lunch and took the chance to discuss the latest activities of Century Club.

Representatives of HKBU Century Club and MUST pose for a group photo.
(From left) Alumnus Kelvin Wu, Rita Liu, alumni Evi Ian, Paul Pang, Chan Chek-biu and Dr Liu Chak-wan, Dr Daniel Tse, Mrs Kitty Tse, alumni Dr Marianna Tsang and Kent Tsui, and Dr Samantha Chiang, Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Arts, MUST