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Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office


HKBU Council Dinner in honour of Honorary Doctorate Recipients 2012

Event Information

Hong Kong Baptist University conferred honorary doctoral degrees on five distinguished persons at 53rd Commencement on 19 November 2012 for their outstanding and professional achievements as well as their remarkable contributions to society.

Mr. Justin K. H. Chiu, a distinguished entrepreneur dedicated to his alma mater and social advancement, and Mr. Simon S. M. Suen, a global entrepreneur dedicated to promoting Chinese culture, were awarded the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences, honoris causa. Professor Roy J. Glauber, the father of quantum optics, received the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa. Professor the Honorable JaoTsung-i, a world-renowned master of Chinese classical studies, and Professor Li Xueqin, a preeminent authority on the origins of Chinese civilisation, were granted the degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa.

The University held the Council Dinner in honour of Honorary Doctorate Recipients in the same evening. On behalf of the Council and Court, Chairman Mr. Wilfred Wong welcomed the five Honorary Doctorate Recipients, their family members as well as guests at the dinner.

Paying tribute to the Honorary Doctorate Recipients, renowned artist alumnus Albert Au Sui-keung sang four wonderful songs as the finale of the event.

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