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Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office


The Alumni Association of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, HKBU Holds General Meeting

Event Information

The Alumni Association of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, HKBU held its General Meeting on 24 June. The following members of the Executive Committee were elected for the term 2023 – 2025:

President: Mr Stephen Ip
External Vice-President: Mr Edward Lo
Internal Vice-President: Ms Lau Man-ling
Secretary: Mr Bosco Cheng
Ms Carmen Tam
Ms Cheung Sze-man

The Meeting was graced by the presence of Professor Lo Ming-tung, Head of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. At the Meeting, the new Executive Committee was elected with alumnus Stephen Ip being elected the new President of the Association. Speaking as new President, alumnus Ip pledged to work closely with members of the Executive Committee in organising a variety of events for members, to step up efforts to unite more alumni and to tighten the bonding between alumni and their alma mater.

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