Event Calendar
  • Alumni Online Data UpdateGiving To HKBU
  • Giving To HKBUAlumni Online Data Update
Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office

12-03-2023 ~ 30-04-2023

Recent Activities of HKBU Alumni Runner

Event Information

On 12 March, members of the HKBU Alumni Runner from Guangzhou and Shenzhen gathered at the Dafushan Forest Park in Panyu, Guangzhou to participate in the “2022 GD Running Cup” The Fourth South China MBA Half Marathon of which HKBU Alumni Runner was one of the co-organisers. Around 10 alumni who are passionate about long-distance running took part in the half marathon. After the long-distance running, all runners were drenched with sweat, but many of them managed to set their personal best record. It is also worth mentioning that alumni Feng Weijun (Business Administration) and Xu Wei (Business Administration) took the seventh and the ninth place respectively.

In addition, the HKBU Alumni Runner formed a team to participate in “The 11th Asia-Pacific Business Schools Desert Adventure” in April. Alumni Fan Jiaqi (Business Administration), Co-Chairman of the HKBU MBA (China) Alumni Association, and Ye Long (Business Administration), Convenor of the HKBU Alumni Runner, cheered for the team members before their departure. At last, 11 team members successfully ran across the Tengger Desert in Inner Mongolia and completed the 25km race.

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