Finale of United Digitally 2.0 for Homecoming 2022 – School of Business
Event Information
As a finale of Homecoming 2022, the virtual alumni gathering, “United Digitally 2.0 – School of Business” was held on 23 February. Professor Ed Snape, Dean of the School of Business; Dr Byron Song, Head of the Department of Accountancy, Economics and Finance and Dr Chang Song, Head of the Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems greeted a hundred alumni on Zoom and shared with them the latest developments and achievements of the School and the Departments. The Zoom gathering was graced by the presence of Dr Albert Chau, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) and supported by a number of alumni leaders. Alumni treasured the opportunity to interact with the Dean and Heads of the School at the gathering.
United Digitally 2.0 is a series of virtual alumni gatherings held for alumni to reconnect with their old friends from different parts of the world and explore the latest happenings of their respective Faculties/ Schools/ Departments. The series of gatherings attracted hundreds of alumni from 8 Faculties and Schools, including the School of Business, to gather together during the Zoom events, where Deans, Heads and members of the Faculties and Schools greeted alumni and shared the latest developments of the University. Participating alumni could also rekindle friendships with their classmates online.