Event Calendar
  • Alumni Online Data UpdateGiving To HKBU
  • Alumni Online Data UpdateGiving To HKBU
Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office

20-06-2022 ~ 07-07-2022

Alumnus Professor Sunny Wong Shares His Leadership Experience

Event Information

Alumnus Professor Sunny Wong (Business Management), HKBU Foundation Alumni Committee Chairman and HKBU Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, was invited by the World Vision Hong Kong to deliver an online talk to their frontline staff in China on 20 June. In his talk, Prof Wong shared his insights into “Servant Leadership”, and related his experience about how he had successfully put his theory into practice.

Prof Wong was also invited to serve as the co-host of another online talk entitled “What to Learn from Corporations with a Long History amidst Turbulent Times (動蕩時代,我們能向百年長青企業學習什麼?)” on 7 July and shared with the audience his insights into the topic.

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