25-04-2022 ~ 19-05-2022
Recent Activities of HKBU Alumni Association of Australia
Event Information
HKBU Alumni Association of Australia organised a lunch gathering in North Sydney on 25 April and a dinner gathering in Burwood on 19 May, both gatherings were attended by numerous alumni and their family members.
The gathering in April held at Greenwood Chinese Restaurant, was well attended by alumni Sidney Cheng (Communication), President of the Association and his spouse, Lawrence Chan (Communication), Vice-President and his spouse, Prof Yip Kam-shing (Social Work) and his spouse, Henie Chu (Communication/Secretarial Management), Richard Lam (Communication) and his spouse Mabel Lam, Peter Chu (Chemistry) and his spouse, Joe Ng (Communication) and his spouse and Lilian Tan (Biology), and other friends of the Association. Alumna Lilian Tan, who migrated to Singapore, received a warm welcome from everyone for travelling to Australia and joining the Association’s activity the first time since the pandemic outbreak in 2019.
Participants of the gathering in May included alumni Sidney Cheng and his spouse, Lawrence Chan and his spouse, Prof Yip Kam-shing and his spouse, Peggy Chan (Secretarial Management) and her husband Andrew Chan, Henie Chu, Richard Lam and his spouse Mabel Lam, Clara Cheng (Social Work), Keith Chow (Sociology), Lillian Tan, Joe Ng, Alice Lai (Business Administration), Nicole Wong (Secretarial Management), as well as the former Head of Department of History of HKBU, Prof Edward Fung and his spouse, and other friends of the Association. The Association also extended a warm welcome to alumna Mae Wong (Business Administration) and her husband, Dr Cheng Po-kong, who joined the gathering for the first time.
The Association has scheduled a dinner gathering on 28 July at 7 pm at Noble House Seafood Restaurant Eastwood. Alumni and retired/former academic and administrative staff of the University residing in Australia are welcome to join the Association and participate in the gathering. Those who are interested in joining the Association’s chat group to get the latest information about the Association, or in joining its events and gatherings, please contact President of the Association Sidney Cheng at (61) 415 561 321 or Vice-President Lawrence Chan at (61) 410 628 062.