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Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office


HKBU Welcomes its 4th President and Vice-Chancellor
Prof. Albert S C Chan

Event Information

Prof. Albert S C Chan assumed duty on 1 July 2010 as HKBU's 4th President and Vice-Chancellor. On his first working day on 2 July 2010, the University held a lunch gathering to welcome him with more than 250 staff and students participating. They met, chatted and took photos with Prof. Albert S C Chan in a warm atmosphere.

The programme included a photo and video presentation, a quiz, and a sharing by Prof. Chan Wing-hong from the Department of Chemistry, enabling staff and students to get to know more about Professor Chan.

Prof. Albert S C Chan has joined the HKBU Blog as one of its bloggers and has uploaded his first blog post. The University recently launched the HKBU channel on YouTube and Prof. Albert S C Chan has taped a short video greeting the audience on the internet. View the video at this link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnPxtas0Ldc&list=PLACFB86CB4FB1A0F3&index=3&feature=plpp_video).

In his remarks, Prof. Albert S C Chan said he appreciated the University's Whole Person Education ethos, and had written a couplet in Chinese using the University's motto as the theme. He said the couplet encompasses the University's Whole Person Education philosophy. The first line of the couplet reads 「立德言功以仁愛開百代」 while the second line says 「求真善美持正心立千秋」。

Prof. Albert S C Chan also met with the media to share his views on various issues, including Whole Person Education and the unique characteristics of HKBU, and answered questions.

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