President Roland Chin Meets with Alumni in Canada
Event Information
During a recent trip to Canada for recruitment of world class scholars, President Roland Chin paid visits to alumni there. He met President of HKBU Alumni Association of British Columbia alumnus Samuel Chan (Business Management), and core members alumni Josephine Siu (Sociology) and Denny Leung (Economics) over a breakfast gathering at Westin Wall Centre in Vancouver Airport on 29 April, and President of HKBU Alumni Association of Ontario alumnus Alfred Au-yeung (Communication), Immediate Past President alumna Sophia Chan (Secretarial Management) and Vice-President alumnus Francis Tam (Biology) at Dynasty in Toronto on 2 May. Alumni extended warmest welcome to Prof. Chin and shared with him the recent happenings of the Associations. Prof. Chin also took the chance to update alumni on the latest development of the University.