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Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office


HKBU Century Club Annual General Meeting 2010

Event Information

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2010 cum Dinner Gathering of the HKBU Century Club (Century Club) Limited was held on 24 November 2010 at Rev. James Mau Memorial Chapel, HKBU. Dr. Eddie Ho Kang-wai, former President of the Club, thanked its board and members for their continuous support and contributions to the Club and the University. At the AGM, the following board members for the 2010-2012 term were elected:

President Ms. Marianna Tsang Wai-chun
Vice-President Mr. Lau Pak-shing
Vice-President Mr. Philip Kan Siu-lun
Treasurer Mr. Alfred Tang Kwai-chang
Secretary Mr. Bernard Wu Tak-lung
Member Dr. Gilbert Chan Yuk-sing
Member Mr. Chen Man-lung
Member Mr. Samuel Lau Kwok-ming
Member Mr. Shadrach Pak Wui-nam
Member Ms. Helen Siu Shuet-har
Member Mr. Thomas Yiu Yu-ho

By a show of hands, members accepted the audited accounts, the re-appointment of RSM Nelson Wheeler as the Club's Honorary Auditor for the 2010-11 financial year and the amendment of part (6) "Contribution" of the Club's Memorandum and Articles of Association.

The Club was honoured by the presence of HKBU President and Vice-Chancellor Prof. Albert S C Chan, who discussed the development of the University. Prof. Albert S C Chan also presented cheques to the winning faculties/departments in the Century Club Sponsorship Scheme 2010.

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