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Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office


HKBU Century Club Welcome Dinner for President and Vice-Chancellor

Event Information

HKBU Century Club (Century Club) hosted a Welcome Dinner for Prof. Albert S C Chan, President and Vice-Chancellor, on 28 September 2010 at La Villa 38. At the dinner, Professor Chan shared his vision and development plans for the University with over 30 Century Club members and alumni. Apart from getting to know one another over fine wine and food, guests at the dinner participated in a quiz on Professor Chan. The new President also presented Century Club pins to four new members – Alumni Mrs. Teresa Tsien Wong Bik-kwan, Mr. Stephen Tang Wing-on, Ms. Yoki Chan Wa-yuk and Mrs. Lisa Wong Lai-shan – who had extended great support to the Club. Everyone present had a wonderful time.

The Century Club was established in 1976 with the mission of supporting the development of the University. Currently, the Club has 109 members, including four Honorary Patrons.


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