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Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Affairs Office


HKBU Class Representatives Enhance Unity

Event Information

50 Class Representatives of 2014-15 attended the Class Representative Welcome Lunch on 31 March 2015 at Shaw Campus. The luncheon was honoured to have the presence of Vice-President (Research & Development) Prof Rick Wong who acknowledged in his welcome remarks the important role of Class Representatives as friends and influencers to mobilize young alumni to support and involve in activities of the University after their graduation.

During the luncheon, Associate Vice-President Prof Frank Fu led the pledging ceremony whereby all Class Representatives vowed to fulfill their mission. Director of Alumni Affairs Dr Melanie Lee gave a detailed introduction on the scheme and announced the upcoming activities that the Class Representatives could participate. Each Class Representative was also presented a Certificate of Appointment at the end of the luncheon.

Class Representative Scheme was an initiative kicked off by the Alumni Affairs Office in 2012 with the aim of building close tie with alumni-to-be. Class Representatives are composed of undergraduate final year students nominated by schools or faculties.

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